Tuesday, April 4, 2006

tired, crabby, and a butt load of studying....

Tomorrow is our research presentation. It is on fires in the OR. Let me know if you want a ticket. I can hook you up! I'm sure I will hypnotize my classmates with my monotone voice....I can imagine there will be a bunch of studying for the pending A&P exam...so I'm not too worried about things.
I have had to cut out a bunch of stuff....seems I could have easily talked for 20 minutes. But I'd much rather only talk for 9. I need to retime it today to see where I'm at, but the power point is all ready to go.
I'm getting there on the material for A&P. Friday is going to come too soon. I need to kick butt. I seem to understand this material more than the previous unit.
It's hard to believe that the semester is winding down. I honestly don't know where the time has gone.
Chad and I are playing in the couples golf scramble Friday at the course. It will be nice to relax, have a few drinks. Just hope I don't duff the ball too many times. But then again, it is a scramble. I can let my long driving husband carry the score...as long as we use 3 of my drives, we'll be ok. I might hit a bucket of balls on the range to 1) relieve some text stress 2) remember what it is like to hold a golf club. The ladies league has their first night on Thursday, but I can't guarantee I'll be able to play. Not sure I can lose 3 hours to play, that's a lot of studying.
My parents are driving down for Easter....need to put together an Easter basket for each of them and hide it......now what to put in there????
off to study,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jennie, make it good, I don't think I have ever had an easter basket hidden for me, in fact I'm sure. If I get my duff in gear I'll make something for you guys too. See you Friday sometime. Love you.