Thursday, May 18, 2006

Blogger Fuel Review * Late Night Log In.

Posting my coffee review has been on my to-do list. Here goes:

Boca java has started a special line of coffee for bloggers. Bloggers Fuel is "your pit stop for gourmet coffee." I have been a satisfied member of the Boca Java Connoisseur club for a few months. Given the opportunity to try and review their Bloggers Fuel line of coffee was a no brainer for me.

The first coffee we tried was Late Night Log In. Upon opening the bag, I noticed dark, almost black, whole beans glistening with flavor. The aroma was just as enticing, deep, nutty, no burnt scent noted at all. Grinding the whole beans released the dark roast flavor blend. I drink my coffee with flavored creamer and splenda. Though, for the tasting experience, I purchased non-flavored fat free creamer. This is a great blend for a morning pick me up, afternoon get me through the work-day or make it through the night experience. The dark roast aroma filled the house during the brewing of our morning pot of coffee. Definately a great blend!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you're good at this review thing. I want to try a cup!